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At Optimax Energy, we view sustainability as a holistic corporate task that combines social, ecological and economic requirements.

Sustainability starts in the mind 

At Optimax Energy, our success is not the end, but a drive to give something back to society and nature. While our core business contributes to the stability of renewable energies on the electricity market and thus promotes the energy transition, we consciously go even further: we look for new opportunities to promote sustainable change beyond our industry.


For us, sustainability means taking responsibility in all areas - we see sustainability as a holistic corporate task that combines social, ecological and economic aspects. 

Want to see how we put that into action?
Here are some examples that show how we live sustainability.



Social Sustainability

At Optimax Energy, we see our success as an opportunity to give something back to society. Supporting the younger generation is particularly important to us. That is why we work closely with schools, universities and associations. Whether through scholarships, guest lectures or educational projects - we are actively committed to education and opportunities. Find out more here.

We also focus on the well-being of our employees within the company. With free, fresh meals and subsidized childcare, we create a working environment that promotes equal opportunities and health.

We are proud of what we have achieved, but we know that there is still a lot to do. Together we are shaping the future - step by step.


Environmental Sustainability

Optimax Energy sees ecological responsibility as an integral part of its business activities. Through innovative technologies, we contribute to the stability of renewable energies on the electricity market and thus promote the energy transition.

We are also actively involved in the reforestation of mangrove forests in Madagascar. These trees are extremely efficient at binding CO2 and protecting the local ecosystem. Since 2020, together with the Eden Reforestation Project, we have planted over 568,000 mangroves - a contribution that not only supports the environment, but also the local community. More on this below.


Economic Sustainability

For us, economic sustainability means creating long-term value - both for the company and for our employees. Our approach to recruiting is a key component of this. We make targeted investments in processes that not only aim to attract new talent, but also to ensure that they feel comfortable with us and stay for the long term.


Through individual development opportunities and a pleasant working environment, we create an environment in which our employees enjoy working and can grow. In this way, we reduce fluctuation and promote stability.

Image by David Clode
Eden Reforestation

Optimax &
Eden Reforastation Project

Eden Reforestation Project Partnership

Together with our partner, Eden Reforestation Projects, we plant 5 mangroves in Madagascar for every gigawatt hour traded and 250 mangroves per business partner and employee each year.


Between 2020 and 2024, we've planted 568,000 mangroves.

Betsiboka River, Morahavio, Madagascar

Why We Plant Trees? 
Reforestation as a Key to Combating the Climate Crisis

Reforestation is highly effective in addressing the climate crisis, as trees absorb carbon and reduce greenhouse gases.


Mangrove forests are particularly efficient, storing up to five times more carbon than other forests and purifying around 12 kg of CO2 per tree annually. They also protect biodiversity and prevent coastal erosion.


In Madagascar, a hotspot for species conservation, local communities are involved in reforestation projects, providing secure jobs and regular income.

Our Supported Project:
Sustainable Mangrove Reforestation at the Betsiboka River

The Betsiboka River, lined with mangroves, is vital for the community of Moraharivo.

Previously, mangroves were cleared for charcoal production.


Our project promotes sustainable mangrove planting and management to prevent further destruction and create new forests.

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Have a closer look:

Would you like to plant trees with us?

Then take a look at our job advertisements!

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