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Unser vielfältiges Team teilt eine gemeinsame Vision und lebt eine Kultur der Wertschätzung und Chancengleichheit. Wir glauben, dass wir Großes erreichen, wenn wir Freiraum für Kreativität und Entwicklung schaffen. Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns nicht nur Worte, sondern stärken unsere Zusammenarbeit und führen zu innovativen Lösungen.
Wenn du unsere Vision teilst und die Zukunft der Energiebranche aktiv mitgestalten möchtest, freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung.
Schick uns deine Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf gern ohne Foto, Noten, kurzes Motivationsschreiben) über den Bewerbungsbutton oder an: application@optimax-energy.de.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen im Bewerbungsprozess
Ist das Optimax Office barrierefrei?Leider ist das Office aktuell nicht barrierefrei. Wir bemühen uns allerdings, dies schnellstmöglich zu beheben. Solltest du eine Beeinträchtigung haben, lass uns dies bitte wissen, damit wir entsprechende Möglichkeiten einrichten können.
Wie lange dauert es, bis ich eine Rückmeldung zu meiner Bewerbung erhalte?Nach Deiner Bewerbung über unsere Karriereseite erhältst Du eine automatische Eingangsbestätigung per E-Mail. Danach bekommst Du in der Regel innerhalb einer Woche eine Rückmeldung von uns.
Kann ich bei Optimax meine Abschlussarbeit schreiben?Ja, denn neben gelebter Innovationskultur, Wachstumspotenzial und technischer Exzellenz verstehen wir die Förderung von Nachwuchstalenten als bedeutenden Teil unseres unternehmerischen Engagements. Wir möchten Deinen Erfolgsweg begleiten und Dir jene Unterstützung und Freiräume geben, die Du benötigst, um Dein ganzes Können zu entfalten. Daher fördern wir universitäre Abschlussarbeiten mit der Möglichkeit, bei uns im Unternehmen Thematiken mit Bezug zum Arbeitsumfeld zu behandeln. Themen für Abschlussarbeiten kannst Du gerne im Rahmen einer Werkstudententätigkeit oder eines Praktikumsan uns herantragen oder gemeinsam mit uns entwickeln.
Werden meine Unterlagen vertraulich behandelt?Da uns das Thema Datenschutz sehr wichtig ist, behandeln wir Deine personenbezogenen Daten 100% vertraulich. Mehr dazu kannst Du in unseren Datenschutzhinweisen nachlesen. Sollte es nicht zu einer Einstellung kommen, löschen wir Deine Unterlagen datenschutzkonform nach sechs Monaten. Solltest Du eine frühere Löschung Deiner Daten wünschen, kannst Du uns jederzeit eine E-Mail an hr@optimax-energy.de senden.
Ist es möglich, Optimax als Praxispartner für ein duales Studium anzufragen?Aktuell steht Optimax nicht als Praxispartner für ein duales Studium zur Verfügung.
Welche Bewerbungsunterlagen werden benötigt?Damit wir uns ein besseres Bild von Dir machen können, schicke uns bitte folgende Unterlagen im PDF-Format zu: Lebenslauf Kurzes Motivationsschreiben (hier darfst du uns gerne Duzen!) Zeugnisse und Qualifikationen
Ist Home Office möglich?Grundsätzlich: ja. Da wir aber sehr viel Wert auf direkte und effiziente Kommunikation legen (#wecommunicatewithoutbarriers), würden wir es uns wünschen, dass du an mindestens 3 Tagen pro Woche im Büro bist – Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel. Und dass es mit deinem Lead abgesprochen und mit deinen Aufgaben vereinbar sein muss, ist natürlich logisch.
Was ist die Unternehmenssprache?Bei uns im Büro sprechen wir Englisch, in manchen Bereichen ist aber auch Deutsch wichtig, z.B. im HR oder wenn mit Behörden kommuniziert werden muss. Für diese Positionen ist ein C1-Niveau der deutschen Sprache notwendig. Ansonsten ist ein B2-Level in Englisch völlig ausreichend.
Gibt es bei Optimax einen Dresscode?Bei Optimax kommen alle in der Kleidung ins Büro, in der sie sich wohlfühlen. Einen Dresscode gibt es also nicht, komm auch Du gerne so, wie Du möchtest!
Kann ich mich initiativ bei Optimax bewerben?Grundsätzlich findest Du alle offenen Stellen auf unserer Karriereseite. Wenn dort nicht das richtige für Dich dabei ist, kannst Du dich gerne bei uns initiativ bewerben. Dafür gibt es eine eigene Ausschreibung – “Initiativbewerbung”. Hier ist es wichtig, dass Du uns in deinem Motivationsschreiben wissen lässt, was Deine Motivation und Ziele sind und inwiefern Du unser Team mit Deiner Arbeit unterstützen könntest.
I cannot speak (much) German. Is this a problem?The main language spoken at work is English, so there is no need to speak German when you arrive. Although most of the inhabitants of Leipzig can speak at least a little English, we would recommend learning at least some German after you arrived in your new hometown. Optimax also organizes German language courses (at different levels) that you can attend if you want. We cover the costs because we think we can help you to settle down faster in your new home country.
What about my family? Do you help to relocate them as well? Is it difficult?Of course, in addition to you, we also take care of your family holistically in the relocation process. No matter whether you are relocating alone, with a partner, with children, or with pets – we have gained a lot of experience and always found an individual solution. Depending on the age of your children and whether you are married or not, there are different steps that we discuss with you transparently and individually.
What do I need to prepare in terms of documents?The documents required for the visa differ on the kind of visa you are applying for and if you bring a family or not. In general, the following documents are the most important ones: work contract (issued by Optimax) education certificates passport and passport photos if necessary: marriage certificates, birth certificates from your children (apostilled, when not issued by EU authorities) - if you bring your children, please don't forget vaccination records, as for example the vaccination against measles is mandatory The documents needed for the embassy always depend on the individual situation – we will make sure to give you in-depth information about what is required as soon as possible after the signing of the work contract.
I still have doubts if it is the right decision to move to Leipzig. Can I talk to anyone with first-hand experience?We understand that relocating to another country is not an easy step and that you currently have to overcome numerous doubts, unanswered questions, and uncertainty. Based on our experience with the relocation of different teammates, we have the ideal contacts who will be happy to tell you from their perspective how it feels to master this step together. We can also forward short questions to them beforehand. Just contact our HR team (hr@optimax-energy.de) if you have any questions, and we will forward your request to them. Anyway, you will get to talk to a relocated colleague during our hiring process.
What are the legal requirements for a successful relocation to Germany?For citizens of the European Union For talents from within the European Union, thanks to the freedom of movement, you can travel to Germany without a visa or a residence permit and stay here for a period of three months. The documents you will need for entering the country are either a valid passport or an ID card. The only “formal” thing you have to do is to register at the Resident's Registration Office of the municipality in which you are living, as soon as you have moved into a house or apartment. There are no restrictions regarding access to employment and self-employment in Germany for you or your family. As an EU citizen, you automatically receive the right to permanent residence in another EU country after an uninterrupted legal residence of at least 5 years in that country. More information can be found here. For citizens from outside the EU: special law for IT professionals For IT specialists from outside the European Union, Germany created some special laws to enable career and development opportunities. In particular, there are three possible ways to relocate to Germany as an IT professional: 1. EU Blue Card: If you have an academic degree in IT as well as a specific job offer in Germany, you may receive an EU Blue Card. It is important to know that you must earn a minimum salary in your job for that visa type. Nonetheless, the EU Blue Card is an exceptionally popular residence permit with many advantages. The requirements for this residence permit are: a German degree, or a foreign higher education degree that is comparable to a German one a concrete job offer from a company in Germany job offer with a gross annual income that is at least as high as a specific minimum salary amount that is updated and published every year (e.g. € 43,992.00 in 2022 for the fields of mathematics, IT, natural sciences, engineering, and human medicine). 2. Work visa for qualified professionals: A residence permit for qualified employment (according to Section 18a and 18b (1) AufenthG) might be the right option for you, if you acquired your IT skills during an apprenticeship, for example. The same conditions apply, if you have a university degree in IT, yet the job position you have found does not meet the requirements for the EU Blue Card. qualifications must be either recognized in Germany or comparable to those from a German higher education institution a concrete job offer from a company in Germany if over 45: minimum salary amount (updated yearly) or proof of adequate provision for retirement 3. Working as an IT specialist/residence permit for other types of work: Even if you have neither any formal qualifications nor a university degree, you can still obtain a visa and work as an IT specialist in Germany. Therefore, certain prerequisites must be met, such as a specific job offer in the IT sector at least three years of experience in IT over the last seven years proof of relevant theoretical knowledge in the form of training courses and exams potential job offer with a gross annual salary that is at least as high as a specific minimum salary amount that is updated and published every year. Minimum B1 level of German language (not necessary if the spoken language at work is not German) More information can be found here.
Will I be supported in relocating (e.g. reimbursement of costs, help with administrative matters)?For visa and relocation processes, costs are incurred by authorities. There are many different costs to consider, like travel, moving, flat, furniture, visa, and other miscellaneous things. Optimax will cover the relocation costs for you and your family, including travel costs, visa costs, and the costs of getting you and your family a residence permit. The costs for arranging a visa depend on where you come from, and which visa you are planning to receive. The main costs here are the translator services, a notary if needed, and visa fees. For the first three months in Leipzig, Optimax will provide you with an apartment, so that you can relax a bit after your arrival, get to know the city and workplace, and organize other stuff like registration and so on. We are partnering with a professional serviced apartment provider, that is located within walking distance of the office. During this period, you can start searching for a proper accommodation, and we’ll be happy to assist you in this matter, e.g., organizing viewing appointments or helping you with the formalities.
How long does it take to relocate?Once both sides have signed the contract, we lose no time. The final length of the process depends on various factors such as your current place of residence (EU vs. non-EU, as explained in Section What are the legal requirements for a successful relocation to Germany?), availability of the required documents, and clarification of individual questions in advance. For citizens of the European Union EU members can move and register their place of residence immediately after signing the contract and preparing the required documents. This takes only a few weeks. For citizens from outside the EU If you are from a non-EU country, the process duration also depends on the availability of appointments at the embassy, as well as the recognition of your qualification. On average, it takes about 2-3 months until you arrive in Leipzig and change your residence. In individual cases, it might take longer. After that, for non-EU members, the main thing left to do is the final approval of the Blue Card or other kind of residence permit once they arrive in their new hometown.
Can I stay where I am and work remotely for you?We value your need for location-independent work. Nevertheless, relocation to Leipzig is necessary for us after a few months at the latest, as we rely on quick, direct, and personal communication due to our business model. This is best done on-site in our beautiful office. You will understand what we mean once you are here. Of course, there is still the possibility to work from home on some days. If you do have concerns, feel free to contact us. Of course, we react to extraordinary circumstances accordingly (e.g., pandemic-related).
What about my pets? Can they come with me?Your pets are part of the family. Of course, we will make sure that they can travel safely with you to Leipzig. This is not a problem in the case of small animals (e.g., cats or dogs).
I want to bring my whole family. Is Leipzig a family-friendly city?Yes, it is! There are numerous recreational activities for the whole family. You can go to our award-winning zoo (considered one of the most beautiful and species-rich zoos in Europe), spend time at the various lakes (e.g. Lake Cospuden, Kulkwitz or Markkleeberg), visit the climbing forest, wildlife park and canoe park and have fun at the Belantis amusement park. On top, there are numerous children's playgrounds scattered throughout the city. In case of bad weather, there are also indoor playgrounds and the "JUMP House" with 140 trampolines. In addition, you can spend time at many leisure pools and thermal baths (e.g., the Sachsen-Therme in the east of the city). Little explorers can let off steam in countless exciting museums, such as the INSPIRATA Mitmach-Museum. You can also go to these places by bike: According to the ADFC, Leipzig ranks as the fifth-best metropolis in terms of bicycle-friendliness, among other cycling statistics.
What about taxes and social insurance in Germany?Germany has one of the mostcomprehensive social welfare systems. As in other developed democracies, social spending represents the largest expenditure item in government spending. Around 1.19 trillion euros were spent on public social spending in 2020, equivalent to 33.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). A tightly woven network of statutory health, pension, accident, long-term care, and unemployment insurance protects citizens from the consequences of existential risks and threats. The social system in Germany is financed by taxes and contributions from employees and employers. This is why people pay a comparatively high amount of taxes compared to other countries. The more money you earn, the more taxes and social security contributions you will need to pay to the government. In the case of certain incomes, tax is deducted directly, for example in the case of wages or salary in the form of wage tax. The employer deducts it directly from the salary and transfers it to the tax office.
What about the costs of living (rent, groceries, etc.) in Leipzig? Can I afford it?If you are planning to move to Germany, you will want to know more about salary versus the costs of living. Your monthly expenses depend greatly on your lifestyle, the city you live in, and how many family members you are living with. There are significant regional differences concerning the costs of living. Munich, Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart are the three most expensive cities in Germany. Leipzig, in comparison, is still a very affordable city, which means that renting prices are in general fairly low, as housing costs will be the most significant part of your cost of living in Germany. The food prices in Germany vary depending on the supermarket that you go to. There are budget-friendly supermarkets as well as more expensive ones. More impressions on the costs of living can be found here.
There are so many great cities in Germany. What is so special about Leipzig?Leipzig, with a population of approx. 600,000 inhabitants, is the biggest city in the state of Saxony, and is located in East Germany. The city also has the famous nickname “Hypezig” which was assigned because of affordable living costs, its lively art scene, breezy nightlife, and astonishing nature that in combination is particularly attractive for a younger generation. We have more bridges (427) than Venice (400) because three rivers pass through the city: the Parthe, the Pleiße, and the White Elster. Johann Sebastian Bach was a famous citizen of Leipzig (musical director and choirmaster) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote “Faust” here and called the city “Little Paris”. In a nutshell: there is much to explore in our home city. No matter what your interests are, Leipzig offers you a wide range of possibilities: Leipzig is home to famous and historic sights, such as the Monument to the Battle of the Nations or the city skyscraper "Wisdom Tooth". In addition to the exciting city life, it also has a lot of nature and peaceful places to relax. Everywhere in the city, there are idyllic parks and lakes to take time off. Our Central Station is the largest in Europe by floor space and is, as a terminus station, well connected to the European rail route network. Night owls also get their money's worth, whether in quaint pubs or fancy nightclubs. If you want, we will organize a small city tour for you and reveal insider tips and other fascinating facts about our city. In addition, Leipzig is a real trade fair city and hosts, among other things, the second-largest book fair in Germany, which is a must for bookworms. In terms of events, Leipzig loves diversity and hosts the world's largest Goth festival at Whitsun. About 25,000 black-dressed cybergoths, metalheads, steampunks, neo-Victorians, and others attend 170+ live concerts and cultural events together. You don't have to wear it, to love it!
How can I find a permanent flat? Is it hard? Does it take long?Initially, start by figuring out exactly what you want. This will help you narrow down the list of options and therefore facilitate and speed up the renting process. If you need any help with the renting procedure, we will be happy to assist you. Before you start your apartment hunt in Germany, you should know a few things about what to expect from German apartments. They might vary from what you are used to in your home country. Most apartments for rent in Germany are unfurnished (often also without a kitchen and appliances like washing machines), so either you bring some furniture with you from home, or you buy new items here. Furthermore, utilities are calculated apart from the rent, and you will also have to sign up with an electricity provider. There are many ways to find flats in Germany, especially through rental property websites. But you can also hire real estate agents to find a flat for you. The length of the procedure depends on many variables, but it usually takes no longer than 4-6 weeks. So, brace yourself and don’t give up if it takes some time.
Why should I consider Germany as a country to relocate to? Are there advantages compared to other countries?Germany as one of the world’s leading economies is hungry for skilled professionals from abroad. Technological advancement and innovation go hand in hand which is why there are many innovative opportunities that wait for talents like you in Germany. Our country was ranked 5th in the ranking for most technologically advanced countries in the 2021 Best Countries report. For our workforce, we guarantee pro-employee laws (a large number of vacation days, lunch allowances, compulsory health insurance, unemployment insurance, and retirement pensions). Germans are also famous for their work ethics like efficiency, reliability, and punctuality which make collaboration between colleagues very convenient. More than 83 million people live in Germany. Nearly 11 million of them hold a foreign passport – more than in any other of the member states of the EU. Including those who have subsequently acquired German citizenship, over 20 million people in Germany have a migrant background. In other words, practically one-fifth of the people living in Germany have foreign roots which makes our culture vibrantly diverse. You can find more information here.
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