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Latest News from Optimax

Our company pays us for playing with Lego 😁

As a funny kick-off exercise at our branding workshop last week, every participant used Lego to build something creative and gave a 1-minute pitch presentation about it.

It may sound silly, but it was a great way to get creative and set the tone for the day. 😊

👁 During the workshop, we discussed the importance of strong brand identity and how it can impact every stakeholder’s perception and loyalty. 🗯 We discussed many topics from benefits to attitudes and feelings about our company’s identity. This will lead us to the creation of a new corporate design at Optimax in the next few months. Stay tuned for more information!

Here are some useful tips when it comes to planning your next workshop:

  1. Start with a check-in round and an Icebreaker. This makes everyone feel more comfortable and pushes creativity.

  2. Briefly explain the topics of the workshop and set up a clear agenda including breaks.

  3. Encourage the participants to think “out of the box” and be open-minded with new and creative ideas.

  4. Outsource larger issues and discuss them later.

  5. Organize follow-up meetings and distribute tasks.

Overall, the workshop was a great experience that we believe inspired our teams and developed a better understanding of our brand identity.


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