As a STEM company, we know how quickly technology changes and new innovative and creative solutions emerge that can bring great value to society in the future. That is why we see great potential in young professionals, whether they are working students, interns or career starters, who can bring creative ideas to real-world challenges with their current education and the knowledge they have acquired in their programs.
Over the past few weeks, we have gained some important insights through several presentations and workshops with students from Leipzig and Halle.
Whether it's the #networking with international physics enthusiasts, the #workshop on current employer branding topics with HR talent, or the exchange on low-bias recruiting at the University of Leipzig, our team was truly humbled by the enthusiasm and passion of the students who actively participated and contributed their fresh perspectives. We believe in the power of nurturing talent and fostering meaningful connections, and these events were a testament to that belief.
We would like to thank all of the students and colleagues who made these events a resounding success. Stay tuned for more exciting initiatives and collaborations as we continue to invest in the future generation of leaders and innovators. If you're a student interested in learning more about our company, feel free to reach out! Let's connect, collaborate, and forge a path to a bright future together. 🙌